The Fibonacci series is a sequence of numbers, such as 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. . . in which each successive number is equal to the sum of the two preceding nes. Many shapes occurring in nature have proportions that can be described in terms of the Fibonacci sequence. Because of its properties, various artists have been fascinated by the possibilities of exploration of space and time using it, among them, Mario Merz.
While reading Merz’s book Lo Spazio e’ Curvo o Dritto (Space is Curved or Straight), I had the idea of using the Fibonacci sequence to create a unique book. By perforating the series numbers as holes through the pages of the book and using the pages as a non-virtual “multi-plication” medium in space and time, I found an unexpected symmetry Fn= 2xF(n-2)+ F(n-3).