A Book as a Bridge among Diversity

A Book as a Bridge Among Diversity was presented for the first time on the HighLine, NY, in February 2017. In that occasion I asked people passing by on the HighLine to sit with me and choose a pattern for me to sew with on an accordion book while they told me how they felt different from other people. i sewed for as long as they talked, then I asked someone else repeated up to the end of the 25 foot long book. The book was then given to artist Maria De Los Angeles (a DACA recipient) as part of our collaboration. Maria made a garment with it and the piece was scheduled to be in a show. Unfortunately because of Maria’s difficulties as an undocumented Mexican artist and her need to change address very often, the piece was lost.
On October 1th 2017 the performance was presented at Children Museum Of the Arts
In that occasion I asked children and museum visitors to tell me about their differences while I sewed using the pattern of their choice on my accordion book.
here is a short video documentary about the performance